Husky Finance

Swoop Funding has established a
partnership with Husky

Now Swoop’s clients can take advantage of Husky’s technology to have the most suitable workplace pension, ensure compliance and save money with Salary Exchange. 


Workplace Pension

Salary Exchange


Compliance Management


Payroll (Optional)


Husky will help establish a cost-effective pension plan tailored to your company’s needs. At Husky, we ensure compliance with all auto-enrolment requirements, resolve any existing issues, and consistently maintain employer compliance.

We can seamlessly integrate Salary Exchange into your workplace pension, leading to significant National Insurance savings. This results in more money in your employees’ pockets each month and boosts cash savings for your business.



Managing workplace pensions can consume considerable time that could be utilised more efficiently elsewhere. Not anymore. Husky takes care of it all, from ensuring compliance and handling auto-enrolment to managing Salary Exchange and everything in between.

Payroll processes have remained largely unchanged over the past decade, but it’s time for an upgrade. Husky has consolidated payroll, workplace pensions, and flexible benefit schemes under one umbrella, offering a comprehensive solution.


Salary exchange calculator

It’s pretty simple. Husky takes your current pension and makes it work better by using Salary Exchange. See how implementing Salary Exchange can positively benefit your company and workers

See why employers
choose Husky.

Husky's Achievements


savings on pension fees with Husky’s exclusive preferential rates.


businesses have saved money, streamlined admin and ensured compliance with Husky.


individuals have more control over retirement planning because their employers use Husky.


We successfully resolved compliance issues for our clients, resulting in over £50,000 in fines avoided.

Pricing to suit business of all sizes

Husky offers an option where you don’t have to pay any fees at the beginning. You’ll only start paying once the money you save through Salary Exchange covers the cost of Husky’s fee. It’s a risk-free deal!

When registering, you can opt for us to also handle your payroll, salary exchange, and compliance matters. Please note that selecting these services may result in pricing variations based on the size and complexity of your business. Rest assured, we will provide a pricing solution tailored to your specific needs. 



  • Setup fee £50



  • Setup fee £50



  • Setup fee £100



  • Setup fee £200



  • For organisations with over 50 employees, a customised and detailed approach is essential.

Award-winning solution


Have the financial experience you and your employees deserve.

Here are 8 frequently asked questions

If you have more questions you can always access our knowledge base on this link

What is Re-Enrolment?

Every 3 years from their staging date or duties start date, employers need to re-assess workers who have previously Opted out or elected to leave the workplace pension more than 1 year from the re-enrolment date.

Any worker who meets the required assessment criteria for auto-enrolment then has to be re-enrolled in the pension scheme. These criteria are:

  • age 22 up to the State Pension age
  • earn at least £10,000 a year
  • normally work in the UK (even if they often travel to other countries)

Once the re-enrolment process has been completed, a Re-Declaration of Compliance should be filed with The Pensions Regulator within 5 months of the third anniversary of the staging/duties start date, whether or not new staff were added to the scheme.

Employers need to complete the Re-Declaration once the re-enrolment process is completed. Husky will complete the Re-Declaration on the company's behalf.


When is Re-Enrolment happening?

Husky will apply the three-year anniversary of the staging date or the last re-enrolment date as your re-enrolment date.  The pay period that contains this re-enrolment date will be assessed to determine any re-enrolment requirements. 

You can select another date within three months from the re-enrolment date. Husky will contact you explaining the process and you can let us know if you would like to change your re-enrolment date.


What do you need to do?

Husky’s auto enrolment platform will apply the re-enrolment requirements and ensure all applicable workers are correctly assessed for re-enrolment. You may wish to advise any workers who have previously Opted Out of the scheme that they may be re-assessed, however, any worker that is to be re-enrolled will be issued with re-enrolment communication at the close of payroll. Your Payroll should also be advised that you will be applying re-enrolment on the date specified above.

If you have any queries please contact us at

Employers must automatically enrol all new and eligible employees who are:  

  • aged 22 to state pension age
  • earning over £10,000 a year
  • Working or ordinarily work in the UK  
  • Not already part of a qualifying workplace pension scheme

Anyone who became an employer after 1 October 2017 has to legally comply with automatic enrolment duties for their new employees.

These duties apply immediately from the first day the first member of staff started working for them. This date is known as the Duties Start Date.  

Qualifying earnings is a band of earnings used to calculate pension contributions used by most employers.
Under qualifying earnings, contributions are calculated based on a part of your earnings. In the tax year 2022/23, the lower annual earnings threshold is £6,240 and the upper threshold is £50,270 (these are £520 and £4,189 monthly). That means that the first £6,240 isn’t included, so qualifying earnings can’t be more than £44,030 (£50,270 minus £6,240). 
Let's look at Jon as an example:
  • Jon earns £5,000 a month and contributes 5% into his pension and his employer contributes 3%
  • His monthly qualifying earnings would be £3,669.00 (£4,189 - £520)
  • Therefore, his pension contributions will be calculated as 5% of £3,669 and his employer contributions will be calculated as 3% of £3,669

You can find more details on how your pension contributions are calculated by logging into the Husky for Everyone app.

Yes, salary exchange can be introduced into an existing plan as well as new plans.


You should speak to your tax credits office before you decide whether to participate in a Salary Exchange Scheme. You must also notify your tax credits office once you have exchanged your salary.

However, in broad terms, as your gross salary reduces (and employer pension contributions are disregarded) your entitlement to tax credits may increase. If you currently make personal contributions to a pension scheme, then you are currently entitled to deduct the gross amount of the pension contribution from your earnings to calculate your tax credits. In this situation, therefore, there should be little or no change to your tax credits entitlement.

We understand how time consuming and complicated payroll is. But it doesn’t have to be. Outsourcing your payroll does have its perks and it can save you time and money.

It is very common for business owners to outsource their payroll. If you’re looking to outsource, speak to a member in our team. Our 3-in-1 integrated solution handles your payroll, workplace pension and Salary Exchange setup, leaving you with more time in your hands and less stress.

There are many benefits to choosing us to help you run your payroll. Not only do we do this effectively and on time but we also offer additional services in the package, such as pension management and Salary Exchange setup.

Our mission is to help you save time and focus on your business. We take the headache out of payroll as we manage it from start to finish with our leading cloud-based software.

The way we ensure that we deliver a great service is to also pay attention to the compliance side of your business and operations. We make sure your payroll is done right.

Also, our Husky for Everyone app not only helps with automating all processes and signing the agreements, it also gives control to employees to manage their retirement savings and view their payslips! It’s a win-win!