Husky Finance

Cargo Partner Ltd

A Case Study of Successful Pension Management by Husky



Privately owned full-range info-logistics provider with special expertise in information technology and supply chain optimisation.


Pension obligations.


Husky established a pension scheme for Cargo Partner, selecting a suitable provider and updating contributions through an audit. They effectively managed communications with TPR, reducing the risk of fines, and completed the Declaration of Compliance for Cargo Partner.



Key benefits

Salary Exchange

Salary Exchange has been implemented, allowing employees to increase take-home pay and savings.

Husky Everyone app

Usage of Everyone app to empower employees to manage their contributions and savings.

cargo team

A Case Study of Successful Pension Management by Husky


Cargo Partner Ltd, a specialist in transportation services and info-logistics solutions, faced challenges with their pension obligations. Moore Kingston Smith introduced them to Husky’s pension management services after being contacted by The Pensions Regulator (TPR). This article highlights how Husky helped Cargo Partner overcome their pension-related challenges and achieve compliance.

The Challenge
  • Cargo Partner needed to set up a pension scheme for their employees.
  • They faced a fine from TPR and needed help mitigating it.
  • The company lacked in-house resources to manage their pension scheme effectively.
The Solution
  • Husky set up a pension scheme for Cargo Partner, helping them choose a suitable provider.
  • Husky conducted an audit and brought pension contributions up to date.
  • They successfully liaised with TPR, mitigating the risk of a fine.
  • Husky completed the Declaration of Compliance on behalf of Cargo Partner.
Current Status and Benefits
  • Cargo Partner has grown from one employee to sixty-six, with Husky managing their pension duties.
  • They have access to the Husky Portal to review and approve employee pension arrangements.
  • Salary Exchange has been implemented, allowing employees to increase take-home pay and savings.
  • The Husky for Everyone app empowers employees to manage their contributions and savings.

Cargo Partner’s success story showcases how Husky’s pension management services can address challenges and ensure compliance for businesses. With Husky’s expertise, companies can streamline their pension administration, benefit from cost savings, and focus on their core operations. Contact Husky today to unlock the benefits of effective pension management.

Ready to get started?

We setup and manage your workplace pensions, payroll, and salary exchange—all in one place, ensuring compliance every step of the way.