Husky Finance

Complete your declaration of compliance and avoid future fines from TPR

The declaration of compliance is one of the most important documents that you need to complete for TPR. It shows the steps you’ve taken to be compliant with the automatic enrolment of your employees in a workplace pension.

Under auto-enrolment rules, all employers have to enrol their employees in a workplace pension – if they are qualified – and save for their retirement.

Husky has prepared this short guide on what you need to know to prepare for your declaration form.

What is a declaration of compliance? 

The declaration of compliance is an online form that you submit to The Pensions Regulator as part of your legal duty. This form shows the actions you’ve taken to be compliant with your auto-enrolment duties, from the moment your legal duties started.


All employers with at least one employee in their books have to complete this form, even if they haven’t enrolled them on a workplace pension yet.

If you’re a Director only company, you have to let TPR know that you’re not an employer, instead of sending a Declaration of Compliance form. You can find the form here.


You must declare that your workplace pension is compliant within five months of your duties start date. Your duties start date starts the moment you employ your first member of staff and it marks the start of your legal duties. For example, if your duties start on the 1st of January, you must complete your declaration no later than the 30th of June. Start as soon as you can.

It is also important to know that you need to re-declare your compliance every three years, by filling in this form again.

If you fail to submit your declaration on time, you risk being fined by TPR.

To start your declaration of compliance yourself online, you need to wait for a letter from The Pensions Regulator which includes a letter code.

Information you need to complete your declaration.

You can let TPR know that you’re fulfilling your legal duties either yourself by filling in this form or let a pension management service like Husky do it for you.

You can find the declaration form here.

To access the online form, you will need your letter code and PAYE reference number sent to you by TPR.

You will be asked to provide the following information:

  • your contact details,
  • basic information, such as name, company address and email,
  • the type of pension scheme used for auto-enrolment,
  • Employer Pension Scheme Reference (EPSR),
  • Pension Scheme Registry number (PSR),
  • important information on your employees.

Check TPR’s useful checklist of information they’ll need from you to successfully complete the form.

Of course, you can avoid all this hassle with our help. Husky’s pension compliance experts will take care of the legal side of pensions for you. Stay compliant, not confused.

How Husky can help you with your declaration form.

Setting up a workplace pension for your employees can seem daunting but it doesn’t have to be. Pension compliance can also be overwhelming but Husky takes care of this side of your business for you. Now you’ll have more time on your hands to focus on the things that matter.

Compliance regulation is a big part of our business as we help our clients avoid unnecessary fines. We not only submit the declaration of compliance on your behalf but we also mitigate the risk of fines based on undetected compliance breaches.

We make workplace pensions work better for you, saving you time and money.

Get more now. Have more later.

We setup and manage your pensions, payroll, and salary exchange—all in one place, ensuring compliance every step of the way.