Husky Finance

Husky Blog

Gain some valuable insights on how to be compliant, improve your pension benefits, and become an employer of choice.

Why business owners can’t ignore Salary Exchange in 2024

In the dynamic landscape of business, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity. For directors navigating the complexities of company..

2023-2024 National Insurance Contribution Rate Cut: What You Need to Know 

The 2023-2024 tax year brings pivotal changes to National Insurance contribution rates, impacting both employers and employees. Effective from the 6th of January 2024, these..

Getting started with Salary Exchange 

Starting Your Salary Exchange Pension with our Husky App. Access to Husky’s Salary Exchange services. You will need us to manage your Workplace pension first,..

Contributing to Your Employee’s SIPP in the UK. What You Need to Know

In the United Kingdom, Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) are a popular choice for individuals looking to take control of their retirement savings and investments. SIPPs..

How employers can help their company and staff with the cost of living

Employees worry about higher living costs when things like prices and inflation go up. PwC found that many people in the UK are worried about..

When Can You Withdraw Your Workplace Pension in the UK?

Planning for retirement is a crucial aspect of financial security, and understanding the rules and regulations surrounding your workplace pension is essential. In the United..