Husky Finance

The zero-cost employee benefit – What are you waiting for?

A happy employee is the most important asset your business has. When they know you’re looking after them, they look after you.

47% of employers say budget is their biggest barrier to improving employee engagement levels (according to a June survey of HR decision-makers).

With businesses truly needing to achieve more with less, helping staff feel engaged and stay productive is crucial. And there’s an often-overlooked employee benefit that can help.

Pension via salary exchange – They get more. You keep more.

Salary exchange is an employee benefit you can offer at no cost.

Right now, employees pay National Insurance on their gross salary. They then separately contribute to their workplace pension. But if their employer paid their workplace pension directly (and they reduced their gross salary by that amount), then both the employer and employee pay less National Insurance.

It means more cash in your employees’ pocket each month, more pension in the pot when the time comes – and more cash left in your business.

It’s surprisingly simple to set up with Husky

Up until now, salary exchange has been an untapped benefit – possibly because it seems complicated and hard to implement.

That’s where Husky come in. We make it easy, through simple, efficient implementation. Because we believe everyone should be able to access and take advantage of the benefits of salary exchange.

What are you waiting for?

Contact us at or 0800 044 8114 for guidance specific to your business.

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We setup and manage your pensions, payroll, and salary exchange—all in one place, ensuring compliance every step of the way.